
- Soneto 7 de Shakespeare
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Informações Adicionais:
Soneto 7 de Shakespeare, recitado por uma voz feminina.

Lo in the orient when the gracious light

Lifts up his burning head, each under eye

Doth homage to his new-appearing sight,

Serving with looks his sacred majesty,

And having climbed the steep-up heavenly hill,

Resembling strong youth in his middle age,

Yet mortal looks adore his beauty still,

Attending on his golden pilgrimage:

But when from highmost pitch with weary car,

Like feeble age he reeleth from the day,

The eyes (fore duteous) now converted are

From his low tract and look another way:

So thou, thy self out-going in thy noon:

Unlooked on diest unless thou get a son.

Fonte: Archive

Palavras-chave: LibriVox;cabeça, olhos, majestade, poesia, literatura, William Shakespeare.
Album: 0,85 MB
Duração: 01:00 Minutos
Bitrate: 0 kBit/s
Frequencia: 0 Hz
Visualizações 3419 Downloads 6

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