
- Soneto 8 de Shakespeare
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Informações Adicionais:
Soneto 8 de Shakespeare, recitado por uma voz feminina.

Music to hear, why hear\'st thou music sadly?

Sweets with sweets war not, joy delights in joy:

Why lov\'st thou that which thou receiv\'st not gladly,

Or else receiv\'st with pleasure thine annoy?

If the true concord of well-tuned sounds,

By unions married do offend thine ear,

They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds

In singleness the parts that thou shouldst bear:

Mark how one string sweet husband to another,

Strikes each in each by mutual ordering;

Resembling sire, and child, and happy mother,

Who all in one, one pleasing note do sing:

Whose speechless song being many, seeming one,

Sings this to thee, \'Thou single wilt prove none\'.

Fonte: Archive

Palavras-chave: LibriVox; música, doce, mãe, poesia, literatura, William Shakespeare.
Album: 0,99 MB
Duração: 01:04 Minutos
Bitrate: 0 kBit/s
Frequencia: 0 Hz
Visualizações 3613 Downloads 7

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