
- Soneto 42 de Shakespeare
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Informações Adicionais:
That thou hast her it is not all my grief,

And yet it may be said I loved her dearly;

That she hath thee is of my wailing chief,

A loss in love that touches me more nearly.

Loving offenders thus I will excuse ye:

Thou dost love her, because thou know\'st I love her;

And for my sake even so doth she abuse me,

Suffering my friend for my sake to approve her.

If I lose thee, my loss is my love\'s gain,

And losing her, my friend hath found that loss;

Both find each other, and I lose both twain,

And both for my sake lay on me this cross:

But here\'s the joy; my friend and I are one;

Sweet flattery! then she loves but me alone.

Fonte: Librivox (

Palavras-chave: Amor. Ciúme. Amigo. Amizade. Disputa.
Album: 1,10 MB
Duração: 01:12 Minutos
Bitrate: 0 kBit/s
Frequencia: 0 Hz
Visualizações 3466 Downloads 30

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