
- Soneto 44 de Shakespeare
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Informações Adicionais:
If the dull substance of my flesh were thought,

Injurious distance should not stop my way;

For then despite of space I would be brought,

From limits far remote, where thou dost stay.

No matter then although my foot did stand

Upon the farthest earth removed from thee;

For nimble thought can jump both sea and land

As soon as think the place where he would be.

But ah! thought kills me that I am not thought,

To leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone,

But that, so much of earth and water wrought,

I must attend time\'s leisure with my moan,

Receiving nought by elements so slow

But heavy tears, badges of either\'s woe.

Fonte: Librivox

Palavras-chave: Pensamento. Distância. Lembrança. Saudade. Sofrimento.
Album: 0,97 MB
Duração: 01:03 Minutos
Bitrate: 0 kBit/s
Frequencia: 0 Hz
Visualizações 3386 Downloads 22

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